The Household Money Organizer is a handy, spiral-bound, month-to-month financial planner. It keeps you and your finances on track, your bills paid on time and documents organized when tax time comes around. It also covers lots of financial topics that you might find very helpful reading more about. Get easy tips and advice on how to decrease your debt load, make budget-reducing choices, how to use credit wisely, how to save for holidays and keep your spending within your budget, how to talk to your teenagers about the importance of money and lots more. In addition, the book includes biblical inspirations to reach your saving goals and become financially fit.
The Household Money Organizer comes with 12 useful pockets for both your paid and unpaid bills as well as all the documents and receipts you will need to keep for your taxes. There are also places for each month of the year to write down your saving goals together with spiritual inspiration to keep you going.
All in all, if you are looking for a convenient and spiritual organizer for your household expenses/bills/receipts, this is good value for money.
The Household Money Organizer comes with 12 useful pockets for both your paid and unpaid bills as well as all the documents and receipts you will need to keep for your taxes. There are also places for each month of the year to write down your saving goals together with spiritual inspiration to keep you going.
All in all, if you are looking for a convenient and spiritual organizer for your household expenses/bills/receipts, this is good value for money.