Working at Home is Effective or Not?

Working at Home - Are you one of those who like to work or run a business in a remote home or remotely? Alternatively, you currently have employees working for you from home perhaps? Indeed, today's technology is easier for us to finish the day's work, in collaboration with the crowd, sending documents, all from the comfort of home. However, well do this for your business?

CEO of Yahoo!, Marissa Mayer, some time ago had made a new policy for the company: Yahoo! All employees who work at home are required to go to the office, or they can leave the company. Marissa believes employees who work at home (or they call the remote employee) less innovative because of the lack of interaction with others.

News published by the New York Times website this past February 25th reaps many varied responses. There are agreed, there is no agreement. Marissa protests from the remote employee his hundreds.

Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin, is one that does not agree with the policy that was created by Marissa. Richard Branson writes:

If the company has provided in the form of advanced technology to maintain connections with their employees, and the balance between employees who work remotely with working in an office, then everyone will be motivated to work quickly, responsibly, and high quality.
The world is already 'connected'. It is a pity that the company was not aware of and takes advantage of this.

As with Michael Bloomberg, a businessman who go into politics. Michael fully supports this legislation.

Michael found the idea of working from home is something stupid. Working from home and connected to the Internet is not the same as working in the office that can create creative ideas through a water cooler or through inter-personal interaction. creates a simple info graphic about this case.
From 2005 to 2011, the number of remote employees has increased by 60%. This is very likely due not only to the mothers wanting to work from home, but 79% of other workers also want to head home, though only a few times.

In fact, the majority of telecommuters are male (53%). The career woman who also works as a mother only 47%. Most of them already have children, not least working in the office.

Work as a remote employee does not mean unproductive. More than half of telecommuters work more than 40 hours a week did not like working in an office.

Working from home also means saving transportation costs (both for the company and for the employees). Total savings could reach U.S. $ 2,000 to U.S. $ 7,000. In addition, the company also saves costs for office rental, electricity, water, and so on up to U.S. $ 11,000.

Despite the many benefits, working from home also raises several consequences. For jobs that require routine, the productivity of remote employees is likely to be reduced 6-10% of the work in the office. However, because of the work environment that fits with the employees, remote employees more creative in tasks that require creativity.

Because of these advantages and disadvantages, more employers are encouraged to work from home rather than spend his days at the office.
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