Mark Zuckerberg Success Story

Facebook has become a social networking site that is in great demand today. Through these sites, a lot of people who had not been able to see back together, get a mate, a means of promotion and selling, where self-actualization, play games, or for a place to vent. That's why this time Facebook has become very popular and almost all people around the world to join in it.

Initially Facebook was actually created by Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard University student only social networking site limited to the campus. This name he took from the book up, which is a book that usually contains a list of members in the campus community. Only in a relatively short period of about two weeks, Facebook has been able to capture over two-thirds of Harvard students as a permanent member.

Found that Facebook can become a powerful magnet to attract more people to join, there arises a creative idea for the site was serious. Together with three colleagues then they opened up for the general membership. Mark and his colleagues succeeded in making the social networking site Facebook so that immediately bounced his name, following the trend Friendster are also developing at the time.

However, that has benefit, Mark began to think to treat Facebook with additional features. Precisely excess features that make Facebook more popular. Imagine, there are 9373 applications are divided into 22 categories that can be used to jazz up a Facebook page, start a chat, games, instant messaging, to politics and various other things. Amazingly, the nature of the membership site is very open. Thus, the data are made by people more clearly than other friendship sites. It makes people more comfortable with Facebook to make friends, either already known or seek new acquaintances in different parts of the world.

With various advantages and tremendous amount of interest, it's no wonder Microsoft was interested in buying some shares of Facebook with a value of hundreds of millions of dollars. So soon, Mark was crowned as the youngest billionaire in history to start a business from creative thinking. Mark Zuckerberg intention to unify the campus community in a network turned out to have a major impact. This has led her to be a young millionaire at the age of 23 years.

It can be an inspiration for us all, how a creative mind of a young child can produce a work of great value. Starting from the good intentions coupled with persistence in working opportunities have spawned a life-changing opportunities more meaningful for Mark Zuckerberg.

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