10 Ways to Become Productive Entrepreneur

10 Ways to Become Productive Entrepreneur -  Many ways to do so could be a successful entrepreneur. One of them, to be productive entrepreneur. How do I?

Being a businessman, of course many challenges. Therefore, tighter competition, demand more diverse, and customers now have the position equivalent to the manufacturer. Advances in information technology also makes the competition even more fierce. For a resilient, perhaps with even more mature competition. However, for those who are not ready, ready just crash.

So, what to do in the middle of a situation which is too challenging? The key, being a productive entrepreneur or a productive business. That way, the efficiency and effectiveness will be enhanced. What should be done so that we can become a productive entrepreneur? The following tips are excerpted from Inc.com. Hope can inspire us all to be able to maximize all resources and efforts:

Spend less important meeting. Meeting only spend time in the absence of an agreement. There are many ways to communicate more effectively thanks to technological advances.

Follow the rule "two pizzas". The core team should have a small project, which was allotted just enough "two-pizza". This is an effort to divide the small groups to address specific issues that are important before being appointed to the big meeting. That way, the communication it will run more smoothly, focus, and direction.

Immediately answer the phone. It seems trivial. But, that's the essence of communication. Immediately pick up the phone, communication run more smoothly.

Organize daily schedule. Danny Meyer, CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group, tells us, that his executive assistant, always divide the e-mails and memos into four sections. "The first part is my schedule the next day. The second part is what matters should immediately get an answer or response. That way, he need not interrupt me to answer the question. The third part is an email that contains information I should know. Section This is the part I need to know, but do not demand to be resolved. Then, the last is the thing to do, but can still be done in a long time, "said Meyer.

Increase flexibility. There are many needs that we need as an entrepreneur. For that, we need to be more flexible. And, we did not need to be an expert of everything. Julie Ruvolo, COO of Solvate, said, "Sometimes, hiring a contractor or consultant will be more efficient than doing your own things. After all, you can get the help of experts who can solve specific problems you are facing."

Use e-mail to save the document. Nowadays, almost everyone has an email as a means of communication. And, almost every day anyway, people connected with the internet. Because of this, save the document in the form of e-mail can be a solution that makes it easy to communicate.

Stay productive outside of work hours. People often complain when I had to work overtime. In fact, at the time outside working hours, will appear a lot of things that can increase our productivity. Because, without the burden of routine work, we can freely explore the many things that can increase capacity.

Maximize the time deadline. Sometimes, when entering the deadline, people are encouraged to maximize all of its energy so that work can be completed on time. Therefore, the deadline may actually be "used" to improve performance. Krissi Barr, Barr Corporate Success founder says, "If there is work to be completed in one hour, I used to force him to finish in 40 minutes. By cutting time than they should, I can work faster and more focused."

Do not forget exercise. As an entrepreneur, will appear a lot of pressure. If the body and mind does not fit, then maybe we will get sick and easily stressed. Therefore, as an entrepreneur, sports should not be forgotten. At a minimum, a half hour a day, it would be a "doping" which can maintain a healthy body.

Avoid multitasking. Indeed, can do many things so often something fun. But not forever. Therefore, our brains also have limitations. Therefore, avoid doing many tasks at the same time (multitasking). Douglas Merrill, former CIO of Google, said sternly, "Do one thing at a time, minimizing the possibility of a change, use the brain to its full potential!" 4.5
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