Achieving Personal Success - Overcoming Your Fears

If it were easy to achieve success, we would all be doing it all of the time. Normally, however, there are barriers and obstacles in the way, making the route to achieving success difficult. One of the types of barriers to success can be fear, so the elimination of those fears becomes an important feature of achieving success.

Eliminate Those Fears Reining You Back From Success.

What is holding you back from achieving success? One of the better ways to find out exactly what is preventing you from achieving your goals, is to analyze exactly how much you wish to succeed. By honestly examining at your inner self you will find out how strong your will power is, and what is in the reservoir of resources you have to supplement your drive for success. Unfortunately, for many people this is one of the most difficult things to do.
It is natural to believe that it is better to hide our failures and disappointments, as they can cause pain and make us feel inadequate. The psychological connections go a lot further, but the main idea is that our mind naturally suppresses all those factors that are potentially harmful to our body. This is how our most daring dreams and ideals get hidden somewhere, buried deep in our subconscious mind. It is those dreams and ideals we may be afraid to bring them out. The idea of succeeding is often much weaker than the notion of failure, and your potential can thereby become greatly reduced.
The fear of believing in your ideals is a naturally occurring phenomenon, but it is also greatly amplified by the society in which we grow up. When turning into adults, teenagers have to abandon the dreams and hopes they had as children and see the “actual reality” surrounding them. Society teaches us to follow a set of footsteps and never go stray. By creating order, this process also limits creativity and passion. We may become good "citizens", but what good will that do if deep inside we feel like we should want more? I know, it happened to me. As a teenager all I wanted to do in life was be a famous writer. Reality set in at 23: marriage, children, "responsibility".
There are, thankfully, a few tips that may help you get closer to your ideals:
1. Begin by writing down your dreams, your ideals, your honest ambitions. Seeing the words on paper has a strong effect, and you will soon realize if those dreams are worth fighting for. Try to examine each of your goals through you own eyes. Don’t let the others around you guide your view – you are trying to reach your goal, not theirs. Don’t write your list in stone – there’s nothing wrong to erasing or adding new goals.
2. Try to imagine yourself reaching your ideal. By constructing an image of success in your conscious mind, you will also influence your subconscious to do the same. Project yourself in the future, and embellish yourself with all the skills that you need to reach that ideal. If you do this often enough, you will reinforce your beliefs, and increase the chances of getting where you wish. You will swamp the fears, and the achievement of your ideals will make you feel comfortable, rather than uncomfortable.
3. Sometimes it is hard to manage all the issues mentioned above on your own. Never be afraid to ask from someone you care about to assist. Share your feelings with a special person who will support your actions. Try to judge if the trust you will invest in that particular person (whether a parent, brother, wife, or good friend.) will not fail. Even if you think you may not be accepted with your new ideals, why not try?
There is no magical path to achieving success, but you can always increase the chances of reaching your goals with these simple exercises. When you manage to eliminate, or at least diminish, the fear that is holding you back, all of your expectations will seem that much easier to achieve. It is not easy to take a journey into your own soul, but if you manage to gather sufficient determination, this could prove one of the most rewarding trips you have ever taken. 4.5
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